Our Mobilize Revolution Review – Pros & Cons

Have you ever wondered how to build an app for your business or someone else’s, and then remembered… you in no way have the skills for it?

Well, it might be easier than you once imagined if you have the right training on your side.

The rise of technology has meant new skill sets are needed to succeed in the business world. Whereas once friendly service, great organization and an in-depth understanding of your niche was sufficient to break even, in 2019 you really do need more tech-oriented skills to get by.

This can be daunting, especially if you were raised before a time where coding bootcamps were popular, and social media courses were included in every business degree.

If you want to learn how to make money off building your own apps (or simply to create one for your business), but don’t want to sit in a bootcamp with entrepreneurs half your age, Mobilize Revolution might be what you need.

Through their multi-module distance course, they promise business owners great results and the ability to create profitable apps overnight–but can they deliver on this? 

My honest review here will look at the 7 weakest and strongest aspects of their unique training program, and how you can get started on your app building career.

1. Letting You Do It Yourself

DIY projects are not just for home improvement anymore.

If you have ever considered creating mobile applications for your business, you’ve probably thought about how expensive it would be to pass the project off to app developers.

With the right work ethic and straightforward training, you could save time and money, and maintain a much higher degree of creative control by creating your own apps.

If you get the hang of it, you might even decide that app creation could be a lucrative side business.

2. Beginner-Friendly

The best thing about Mobilize Revolution is that it is catered to individuals with very little development experience.

Even if you have found it tough to, say, update your Wordpress site, Mobilize Revolution goes slow enough and uses simple, easy-to-understand language, making it easier to retain everything.

3. How To Start An App: Breaking It Down

Mobilize Revolution is not a company that will make apps for you. They are a company that will teach you how to start an app by yourself.

Their training program is completely virtual, meaning your location will not restrict you from learning. There are multiple lessons involved in their program, each one breaking down another element of app development into easily understood formulas.

App development will always be a bit tricky, but I found Mobilize Revolution to be a very effective, beginner-oriented teaching tool.

4. A Profit-Focused Training Program

If you are looking for a new hobby, this program might not be for you. They are very transparent about their goals: to turn app development into a very lucrative niche.

At every step of the way, they will help you discover how to profit from the skills you are learning. If you are hoping that app development will be a cash cow for you, you’re getting educated by the right people.

5. Expert Advice

Mobilize Revolution does not just feature training from app development experts–your instructors will also be successful in the field of business.

When it comes to online courses, the quality of instruction can be iffy. However, I found the instruction offered to be both engaging and professional, making it all the easier to learn.

6. Niche Interests Over Well-Rounded Learning

One of the biggest cons associated with this program is that is very small in terms of scope: you will learn app development, and app development alone.

If you are interested in web development or other skills related to coding, you may want to consider pursuing a different program.

However, some customers might actually find this a plus. If creating apps for your business is your only priority, taking a more generalized course will probably just mean sifting through entire lessons that aren’t relevant to your goals.

In that sense, this course saves time by forgoing what’s not completely necessary.

7. Selling Mobile Websites To Clients

It’s obviously useful to know how to create apps and mobile sites for your own business. But Mobilize Revolution doesn’t want you to stop there. On the contrary, their program will help you create mobile sites for other businesses in a matter of minutes.

You won’t need a complex understanding of code to create visually stunning mobile sites, but most business owners don’t know this. With Mobilize Revolution, you can take advantage of this fact, and create a lucrative business without any extensive time commitment.

8. A Time Commitment

This training program is not right for customers unwilling or unable to commit at least an hour a day to learning for a few weeks.

If you are struggling with the material, or just want to perfect your craft, the reality is that you might need to commit more of your time to learning.

This is completely fine, however, it might not be flexible for people who have busy or unpredictable schedules.

Ultimately, if you have no previous coding experience, you will want to work on this program every single day, weekends included. The reality is that, if you step away from the program for a while, the chances are high that you will struggle to retain all of the information you are being given.

If you are in a good place to learn, Mobilize Revolution is actually more flexible than a traditional in-person course, and you can choose where and when you want to learn.

Pricing Models

This program has a money-back guarantee, something that is not always promised for training programs.

The course is typically just under $300, but the program offers lots of deals, including a timed deal for 50% off when you first visit their site–so if you are on the fence about the program, consider the pros and cons before giving their site a visit.

Final Thoughts

Training programs like these are not for everyone. If you are not committed to learning, or do not have time to prioritize this program, it is probably best to wait for a better time before making the investment.

If you are looking to pursue a profitable niche in a short period of time, rather than picking up a hobby at a leisurely pace, you will probably gain a lot from Mobilize Revolution’s flexible and affordable program

If you want to improve your business’s customer engagement by providing a new platform resource they can open on their smartphones and tablets, applications could be your solution.